Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life lesson . . . wild style

This morning was a mini-armageddon for wildlife. Something was on the wooden stringer on the outside of the tall, wooden gate and a Mockingbird was dive bombing it so hard the gate would rattle. Whatever it was came down the opposite side of the fence with the screaming bird chivvying it along so hard I could hear the thumps when he hit.

As the action got close to where I was standing with the three dogs on leashes, a desperate squirrel jumped over the top of the fence landing nearly at our feet. He was dumfounded and so were the dogs. Evidently the bird had done some real damage because he had a difficult time climbing the nearby palm and nearly fell off when he had to negotiate the fronds.

Only Mollie, the spaniel, tried to get to him. He was too traumatized to even chitter at her.

Bet he'll leave that bird's nest alone . . .


Big Ed said...

Wow, how neat. You saw some real wildlife there. It seems not even the dogs didn't want anything to do with that bird. The cat living down here in South Florida is another story. I bet she will have to be crafty in order to get her prey, the bird that is.

Zeta said...

Moma Mockingbird was telling the squirrel his eviction notice was issued. Mollie forgot about the attachment around her neck.

ol Doc said...

If some fuzzy scuzz-ball was trying to get into my nest and dine on my babies, I'd be jabbing it/him/her with my beak as well! Go Mama Bird!

Well told, Ranger - I could hear the thuds as the bird connected!

RANGER said...

It was a real where's the camera moment. Gone as fast as thought.