Monday, August 23, 2010

Feeling cross?

Our newspapers had accumulated while we were gone. We had a bunch of crosswords that needed to be scanned and enlarged somewhat so that we each had our own easy-to-read copy. Yesterday, we completed them and it almost felt like homework. We should have spaced them out a bit instead of grabbing the next one as soon as the previous one was filled in.

Today's crossword felt like a breeze after the puzzle marathon. We have discussed that our newspaper may be using a less expensive source for puzzles. We always complete them, now, and the current puzzles do not have quotations that have to be completed over a two or three row span like the old one used to.

I'm not sure whether I miss that aspect or not . . .


ol Doc said...

Puzzle Marathon Days, sounds like you needed to intersperse the Jumble puzzle with all those Crosswords. Make it harder - do the Jumble without writing anything in the answer spaces, then solve for the answer.

RANGER said...

I occasionally try the jumble in my head. When I can do it, I write in the answer but nothing else. Let em wonder - but no one ever does.