Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What time do we get up?

I set the clock for really early this morning. Getting up when the clock beeped, I brushed m' teeth and hair. (Not with the same brush.)

Then I wandered to the dining room for coffee and noticed I had picked up half an hour, somewhere. I even called the time number and the dining room clock was correct. I must have set the b'room clock half an hour ahead sometime, somehow, somestupidly.

It was even earlier than really early.

Sad ....


Anonymous said...

I have to watch the bedroom clock-radio like a hawk. The little red dot means PM. No red dot is for AM. I WANT the alarm to go off at AM, not PM. So, I set it for 6-no-red-dot-AM. Unless the power goes off and T. resets the clocks. I might be sleeping straight through on those days

Zeta said...

My mind kept wandering what time really early was as I was reading the paragraphs.

No-red-dot-AM is a good idea. After the power goes out, we have to set the microwave, DVD player, and a few clocks which flash in red numbers with the time the power went out. 2:01 a.m. 2:01 a.m.

Anonymous said...

Yours flash the time the power went off? What a great idea. Our stuff is so old and the technology so primative that it reverts to 12:00 and then continues to go forward timewise. You can figure out when power was lost if you can do the math backwards but why bother when you only need to know what time it is right now.....

RANGER said...

Really early was 5:30. Before really early was 5 a.m.
Yawn. Leisurely morning instead of desperate focus. Rather have had the focus, and extra sleep.