Sunday, September 30, 2007

Where shall we ...

One of the coconuts has fallen from the tree. It is dry and brown, but full of liquid. It is a near thing whether to plant it or eat it. I think we are going in the direction of creating more missiles for hurricanes to play with.

The cat was intrigued by it when J brought it in. Right now, it is sitting under the coffee table until she has inspected it enough that we can have it back.

The web tells me to soak it in a bucket of water and plant it on its side with two thirds of it above the ground. The web also says that it must have liquid inside and this one qualifies. When I was growing up, we called the liquid coconut milk.

I'll get out the bucket ...


Anonymous said...

How long do you have to soak one before it's ready for planting. And how do you measure 2/3's of a coconut... from the side on the ground to the side in the air - or from point to broad end... it sounds like if a nut falls from a tree into soft soil, it would meet ideal conditions to self-plant? That being the case, be glad the www instructions didn't begin - First, get a ladder....

Zeta said...

And where do you plan to plant the newborn coconut once the growing process has been completed?

RANGER said...

We are thinking of planting it near its momma. We would have a little grove started.

According to the Cooperative Extension Service from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the coconut is planted on its side with about 2/3 showing above ground. It uses the nutrients stored in the nut to feed itself for about a year. It should be soaked for two or three days before it is planted.

Evidently is is impossible to water it too much for the first year. The minimum is twice a week. Being rainy season, this would be a good time ...

Anonymous said...

Also, check in with Bro. I recall green palm shoots waving above the grass where he planted a coconut and it grew and GREW!

It strikes one that if you plant the grove close enough together, you never have to mow again! Awww-right!

RANGER said...

We planted the momma tree from a nut which was sprouted, but barely. Big E brought it home from a job he was doing with someone from church. This is our first effort to sprout one.