Saturday, December 15, 2007

One large step for man ...

We're taking our digital camera to the wedding for sure - it is hanging inside the front door on the handle. I am so excited that the pictures may reflect it ... blurry springs to mind. If I get any that are semi-recognizable, I will post tomorrow. Zeta will probably do much better.

We are leaving two, or two and a half, hours early - just in case. Jams, accidents, etc., are being allowed for and we know that no one will be allowed in after the bride's processional.

Let me shout it: may God Bless S and E on this special day, and always!

1 comment:

Big Ed said...

For some reason I had to be there at ten o'clock. They wouldn't allow me to be late like my usual self. I couldn't run on Miami time or nothin. I left at ten. I got there early so I left early unlike most people running on Miami time. They stayed late, those that got there late.