Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Advice for the day . . .

It is not a good thing to put the coffee basket back in place without a filter of any kind inside it.

It is a good thing that the coffeemaker sits in a
tray with sides. That confined the area that had to be dealt with. It seems that the wet grounds slowed the rate of flow through the bottom of the basket. Water flowed over the top, carrying some of the grounds with it. And some of the grounds passed into the carafe, as well.

This morning, I'm pouring my cups of coffee through a fine mesh strainer so I don't have to strain the grounds out with my teeth.

The upside? We now have a super-clean coffeemaker.


Zeta said...

Been there done that; more than once too. Mine beeps when I forget to add water, but does not beep when H20 is overflowing inside the coffee maker. The Starbucks grounds float to the surface while I wait for the coffee to brew. Houston, we have a problem here.

Anonymous said...

LOL - I recall Uncle Albert & I dunno who else, maybe Aunt Carrie or Uncle Harry - ordered tea in a restaurant and it came in a teabag. They'd never ever seen a teabag. They were used to brewed tea over leaves. Looked at one another. Shrugged. One broke the bag and dumped the loose leaves in the hot water. The other followed suit. The leaves didn't settle in the cup as they'd thought might happen. Instead they floated at the top of the cup. I think it was Uncle Albert who said they strained the tea through their teeth in order to enjoy the cup!

RANGER said...

Some days at work before I retired, it used to seem as if my name was Houston. The girls would just look at me and say: Houston? Then I'd go see what was the problem.

I needed me some coffee bags, today. Could have worked . . .

Zeta said...

Hum, and tea leaves sound strange me.

Now the girls will have to use a landline to reach Houston.