Friday, October 23, 2009

Echo of the Echo . . .

Just closed An Echo in the Bone. Knowing that there would be loose ends left unbound at the finish of it helped greatly. I do not have a feeling of outrage at the way the book closes because there are foreshadows visible to allow the imagination to voyage on past the written word.

People are separated and some find one another. Even the wolf finds his happiness. All in all, there was plenty to savor.

It was like an excellent banquet at Valentine's Day with the dessert promised for Christmas, probably.

Maybe two-three years or so away, though . . .


Zeta said...

Steno reading does not include a theme, plot, or even adventure. Now a transcript is another story. Life with drama. I'm looking forward to the day choosing my reading material be will be with my own options; not dictated to me by another person.

RANGER said...

I know you are looking forward to the time when your goals are achieved. The time goes by, anyway, and you are using yours to the best advantage. I am impressed!