Sunday, December 27, 2009

A good time was had . . .

What a get together we had on Christmas day. Excellent food, better than excellent company, watching five, squeaky-clean, little dogs plus one visiting puppy playing, sitting by the screened pool and feeling the evening come down while the breezes rose to meet it.

It was a Blessed day, all round.

Thank you Marcia and Ron for hosting this year's gathering. Thank you Zeta and M for seeing that we made the trip in one piece.

Most of all, thank you Jesus.


ol Doc said...

Great Christmas this year. Both ends of our state were lit with joy and family gatherings. One year, maybe we'll be able to combine them and celebrate the Season for which Jesus is the Reason - in one place.

RANGER said...


Zeta said...

Yes, it was wonderful. Oh, how we wish this weekend would not end. Is Monday really around the corner?

Zeta said...

Oh my, its here. Off to work I must go. Have a wonderdul day?

RANGER said...

Sorry you have to go back - I do love your new picture if that's any consolation. Pretty cobalt blue bowl.