Sunday, May 23, 2010

Free is . . .

Free is good, right? Perhaps.

Our Sunday paper came enclosed in a plastic bag that also contained two small size boxes of Trix and Chex cereal. Trix is for kids, the commercials say.

I have news for you. Chex (the one to appeal to adults) had twice the amount of various sugars/carbohydrates that the Trix had. Plus they wasted all those plastic bags, boxes, and coupons which were enclosed. The cereals were so full of *natural* and *other* sugars that I would not even donate them.

Circular file and recycle bin, all the way . . .


Zeta said...

Ops, mine is still outside melting in the sun. Nice and mushy by now. I'll file the product under "R" for our recycle bin. We saved $11 today at Publix which felt wonderful. Thank you for exchanging coupons with us!

ol Doc said...

Was the cereal donation suitable for bird life? That's usually an option around here. If it's too unhealthy for us to scarf down, throw it over the fence - maybe the birds will eat it.

RANGER said...

Can you imagine a Mockingbird overdosing on sugar? - now your Hummers might have loved it but then, they don't eat dry food . . .