Sunday, September 9, 2007

Nappy-time ...

Today, I have consumed three cups of coffee and one cup of tea, so far. Why is it that all I want to do it take a nap? Maybe the dark and threatening sky has something to do with it.

When E was driving he told us he'd let us know if he felt nappy-time. That perfectly describes this feeling. Move over, cat. Let me into the kitty condo and I will curl up, too, while placing my paws over my eyes to shut out the light. Yeah, right.

They cut Mew's front sharpies while she was being boarded. Last time they asked if we would give permission to have them trimmed. This time, they just went ahead. Safer for them, I guess, being that she has a red dot on her card. To her way of considering, she is defending her honor or something. She never acts that way with us.

Using the sharpies on us is verboten ...


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Sharpies sound like fun accessories (kind's like that good old permanent marker thingie you can get at the office supply store), except when they also have a red dot on the chart. In the case of these permanent markers, guess that'd stand for armed AND dangerous.

Zeta said...

Did she receive color change with her sharpies manicure? Mew already knows her sharpies will grow back and she will be armed for her next visit.

RANGER said...

Sharpies are still plain, unvarnished stubbies. She tries to use her scratching pads and gives up in disgust. One day soon, they'll be back and the red dot will ride again.