Saturday, February 2, 2008

The contest, tomorrow ...

We have plans to watch the Super Bowl from a warm place. No, not Arizona: our own living room. Not too warm, air conditioning willing. One would think our interest assumed a personal stake in the outcome. Not really, just the eighteen and oh record on the line.

In previous years, I have recorded the SB game and then fast-forwarded from commercial to commercial. This year, having watched the playoff semifinals, I think I'll sit still for the whole thing. But yet, those commercials may be worth watching more than once.

So, I'll set the DVR, just in case ...


Anonymous said...

We too are planning to watch the game - and look for Shula and any of the '72 Dolphins who may be in attendance at this run at the old undefeated record. (Remember "my man, Howard Twilley")

Still - if the record falls, we can always say that *the 1972 Dolphins first accomplished the remarkable undefeated season* and their record stood for 36 years.

I'm still rooting for the Giants. I like Manning!

Zeta said...

I remember the '72 game even though I was a bit younger then. If my memory serves correct, we were at Mommes’s house in her living room. She also had a small TV on her kitchen table which I would watch when the adult programs were not fun entertainment for me.