Thursday, July 3, 2008

Waiting for . . .

At present, I am in M's son's new condo, waiting for their new furniture to be delivered. I have their laptop and am in some kind of heaven. Just in case, I brought a magazine, three books, soda, coffee, snacks, and lunch.

J had received a tote bag from the Colonial Williamsburg people. I filled it up. It looks as if I am moving in.

There is a screened balcony off the living room which is shaded by two big Oak trees. It is like being in a tree house and so peaceful. Past the trees, I can see a pool which is a mighty lure in this weather.

You never know down here. Yesterday, I went out to the post office and do some other errands. The sky was low and distantly threatening rain. Those clouds rushed together and formed a white squall which stayed for a while. The car and I crept home and waited together for it to pass.

Good thing the furniture wasn't scheduled for yesterday. It would have had an upstream swim to get here . . .


Zeta said...

Thank your, Ranger. New furniture arriving to your home and having a relative wait for the delivery, priceless.

We lost our computer connection at the office for about an hour yesterday. We decided to leave the telephones alone while we waited for the lightening to stop. So much rain. We used to post not enough rain.

Anonymous said...

New furniture? How nice - and how good of G'mom to do the honors and meet the delivery. 'Course, I'd volunteer too, with that laptop and a supply of reading. Just needs a piece of no-sug.-added banana nut...

Big Ed said...

I'm glad you liked your environment. It is nice that you did them a favor. Kudos goes to you.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you describe things! You are really good at the personification of objects.

Boy, I'd like to hang out with you next time! You come prepared!