Friday, May 22, 2009

It isn't a big deal, but . . .

U-verse is just a speck on our horizon, I would guess. I went to see if there were two boxes on Miller as Zeta suggested. One was standing solo like the monolith in 2001, A Space Odyssey, only not so large. No little box off to the side, behind it, or in front. We have promises only, so far. At least they're talking to us about it.

Today, I go for another shot into an eye. I have become an expert in explaining that it doesn't hurt and that the most annoying thing about it is not being able to get water in the eye for two weeks. Plus the retina specialist's office is so busy that built-in waits are expected.

However, those things are a lot less annoying than not being able to see . . .


Zeta said...

Alert. We saw a U-verse box past the bridge near the canal towards the I-hop on Sunset. However, was the box empty or full of equipment? Plus, the cable has to be connected to the box and then to the telephone poles. Not to mention, nobody has requested how many channels we need or how many boxes required for our home. You may have the Space Odyssey first due to the visit for your U-verse order.

RANGER said...

Sad to tell you that we received an automated message which was so garbled we could not understand it all. Tuesday, I will call the 888 number, which was about all we could make out. There was something toward the end of the message like "sorry we are not able to. . ." I'd bet we are not getting U-verse yet!