Monday, September 28, 2009

Another duh moment . . .

Yesterday, I turned my cell phone to vibrate when I was going into church. Then I dropped it into my purse instead of putting it back in the side pocket. Of course, it migrated to the very bottom.

You would think I'd know better, by now . . .


ol Doc said...

I saw a neat idea for my next purse. Guy picking potatoes. Sack slung over his shoulder. Sack has an open bottom. Another piece of bag-shaped material pulls up from the bottom of the open sack. To dump the sack/purse, you just roll down and remove the outside sack and spread out the opening. Everything inside comes out on the conveyer.

RANGER said...

I am having trouble with the visualization of this. Can't quite grasp . . .

ol-doc said...

I saw the video again. I was wrong about how it was held closed. It was a long sack open at the bottom with a shoulder strap at the top. There were metal prong hooks that attached to the sack at the bottom and then the bottom was folded up about half way up along one side and the hooks held it in place until the worker was ready to dump the contents (potatoes). At that point, the hooks were released - the bag was folded down in a straight line and the open bottom allowed the contents to spill onto a conveyer belt. I could surely find my lipstick and cellular if I could just dump the contents of my purse from the bottom.

RANGER said...

Now I got it. Agree with always finding the stuff I seek at the very bottom. It's like it knows . . .