Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Only a Daaaay A-waaaay!

Because of the heat and the crowds, we had planned some early shopping for home supplies. This was supposed to happen this morning. I was the only one who listened to our collective. Our consensus. Our - oh, forget it.

I agree with Annie: Tomorrow, Tomorrow.


Big Ed said...

More like next week, home supplies will have to wait. Going to get home supplies means work so, I don't mind the wait.

Zeta said...

Now, there is a Tropical Storm brewing oil in our satly waters. Hum......yes, your right. Time for supplies.

RANGER said...

Okay, Tuesday. We started thinking about the crowds on Saturday and decided Tuesday made more sense. I have an appointment on Monday . . .

ol Doc said...

Can you see the lines and in all the heat - ugh. Smelly sweaty unprepared tropical storm shoppers. Oh, wait - that would be me!

Can I get out of shopping if I have a 6 pack of Vienna Sausage and a squeeze bottle of mustard?

RANGER said...

o1 Doc, you might need a packet of cheese and crackers to go with 'em.

Or a Moon Pie . . .

ol Doc said...

Yeeps, I forgot about bread! Oh,I can use the cheese crackers. I think that'd be an interesting flavor combo. And some DP for the Moon Pie. We're storm ready?