Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Use it or lose it ...

When Mew wants something specific from us, she sits at our feet and gives us "The Look." It is an intent look and it is obvious that if she could talk to her stupid peeps, she would. Sometimes, her whole body will rock forward and she will utter a sound that is not anything like a meow. More like an: mmpph?

This morning, I got up (reeaaally) early, did the crossword, finished the few pages I had left of a book, and got sleepy again. I crept back into bed and drifted off. When I woke again, J told me that the cat had sat by his feet and given him The Look. He told her, "I don't know what you want, little kitty."

She was waiting to be invited into his lap, evidently, because she jumped up and settled down. She stayed for a long time. He had forgotten to pat his knee and say, "Come on up."

She had to re-train him. She now knows that if you don't exercise their trained skills for a while, the peeps can lose them.

The fact that it was 51° when I got up this morning, and that laps are warm, had nothing to do with it.

It must have been love ...


Zeta said...

Ah, little kitty wanted some love, I mean warmth from her peeps.

Big Ed said...

Wow, she hasn't gotten into my lap for the past four months.

Anonymous said...

What a polite Mew, waiting to be asked before jumping up. Unlike most of our "kittehs" - using the claws to shin up and then dropping off to sleep atop the tatters of clothes.