Saturday, November 17, 2007

Revue noir ...

Finished "Bridge to Terabithia," don't recommend it for kids under the age of, say, 75 or 80. Disney movies surely have changed.

Remember Dragonslayer, which was the first Disney film noir? The little dragons snacking on the princess? Well, Bridge is a film noir of a sort, too.

Heroine dies. In a Disney movie, I ask you. They tried to cobble together an ending to lift the spirits and it doesn't work. I am bummed and I'm old enough to know better. I would not recommend it for young'uns. Old'uns either ...

I need to go hug the cat.


Big Ed said...

I feel sorry for N. He said it was sad.

Zeta said...

Disney rated "The rating for "Bridge to Terabithia" PG which I guess means that can create a sad moment in the movie.

"The Princess Bride" was a great Disney movie and is rated PG as well. Andre The Giant is Fezzik in the movie along with Cary Elwes as Westly, Robin Penn as Buttercup, and Billy Crystal as Miracle Max. The laugher is what I remember the most about the move.

Big Ed said...

Have fun storming the castle.

Anonymous said...

If we didn't have the upper hand with her, I would not consider storming the castle. No claws - soft paws, requires constant vigilance. Or owww becomes the word of the day.

Anonymous said...

I love Princess Bride - Jhue keeled my father, prrrrrepare to die! Swordfights, leaping out a castle window onto (ow!) horseback... they don't make them like that any more.

Zeta said...

True, this movie can be watched over and over.