Friday, April 25, 2008

Reality of a sort ...

J and I have been watching Survivor and Big Brother9. Do we need to get a life? When these series are ended, we will miss our weekly fix. After the previous Olympics (summer and winter both) that we watched were completed, we remember having the same wish that there were more to watch.

We are, however, really looking forward to 08/08/08 and the Olympics’ opening. Polities aside, the athletes themselves are admirable characters for the most part. Unless it is discovered after the fact that they took ... never mind.

We will just have to put up with the pangs of withdrawal after the closing ceremonies. Of course, there is always the one last season of The Amazing Race: supposedly this year ...

1 comment:

Zeta said...

We did watch a couple of The Amazing Race programs. The calm cool collected team was easier to watch than a team who wanted to win at all costs. The Grandson and Grandfather team was one of my favorites. The Grandson was very patient with his Grandfather's pace.