Monday, June 18, 2007

If an ill wind blows you a truck ...

E took his car to a body shop to have the rear bumper, and who knows what else, repaired. I went along as wingman. He had been rear-ended while sitting in perfectly still traffic, on an interstate access ramp. The shop expects to have his car at least three days, depending ... you know about depending.

We had determined to be there when they opened at 7:30 this morning. Because I misset my internal, virtual alarm, I first woke up at four. Ah yes, four.

In its current mode, our external, actual alarm clock sounds like an ocean breaking on the shore. Don't ask why the sound of an incipient flood wakes me up. It just does.

E is now driving a rental Chevy truck. Very Enterprising and it fits him pretty well, too. It is his for the next three (or more, depending) days and I am already calculating what we can use a truck to do.

I see, at the very least, a trip to the trash collection center (dump) in our future.


Big Ed said...

Sounds like my days off are being planned. Zoom, Zoom, it is off the the trash... er, whatever. I'll find out in a few.

Anonymous said...

How enterprising of you! I used my last rental vehicle (truck) to obtain wood for the fire place and move a small freezer.

RANGER said...

Enterprise, yes. Possibly a trip to Home Depot, too ...

Zeta said...

Rentals are fun and can help drivers determine which vehicles they may like to purchase in the future. Enjoy the truck Big Ed. I will stop by and take a peek if you still have he vehicle later in the week. Home Depot, beep, beep. Zoooommmm.

Anonymous said...

Enterprise? Got any trees that need trimming and then taking to the dump - or major purchases that need transporting from a store to home? How about horse feed and water transport... oh wait, that would be Sarah and Richard's truck!

Drive safe, Big Ed.