Monday, April 23, 2007

Your eyelids are getting heaavy ...

There is an informal rule that we will not drink any more coffee after two pm, or so. Late this afternoon, it was either a long nap or a tall cuppa. I dove into the cuppa.

So why, at 6:20 pm, could I just lower the lids and be zonked out? I had my eyes dilated today, for examining purposes. How tiring can that really be?

The sad thing is that when: now I lay me down to sleep, the eyes will sprong open until I read for a while. And I'm not sure that reading is an option with dilated eyes.

It's a catch 20-20 situation ....


Anonymous said...

I can sleep at night despite having imbibed caffiene with my coffee. It's the decaf. that keeps me awake, thinking about how I just had a cup-o'decaf. and how I should be able to snooze but I can't and then I lay there trying to figure out why not. What is it about hindsight, that it always looks better after a good night's sleep?

RANGER said...

That "good night's sleep" thing ... are you sure we would recognize it?

Big Ed said...

I need twelve hours of sleep a day. If I go to sleep at three am. I need only six hours of sleep, go figure.

Zeta said...

Must be nice to be young enough to sleep for long periods of time without waking up. Eight hours is he maximum of time I can sleep which does not happen often. Five to six hour of sleep a night is usually all my body will allow.