Friday, July 20, 2007

Back, back in time ...

The book written by the author with no middle name will be released at one past doomtime, tonight. These are the only books I can recall that have been individually boxed to
prevent ... what? Mice nibbling? Or illicit eyes nibbling at the final pages ...

This is also our only book transaction which requires that we wear comfy shoes as a mainstay for the purchase. We don’t really have to buy the book tonight. But, each time we have participated in the past, it was so much fun.

A treasure hunt for a vanished childhood. Okay, maybe entering a second
one ...


Anonymous said...

I don't suppose you'd flip to the back of the book and then email the ending... this is sort of like how I handle World Series games, I watch from the last of the 9th inning, last batter up.

RANGER said...

Uhh, probably not.

Have you heard about the teenager, in Stuart, whose mother ordered the book on line. It came Tuesday.

The family got a call from the vendor or publisher asking them to put the book aside until Saturday.

Yeah, right. The girl is quoted as saying we won't be disappointed in the ending.

Anonymous said...

What's her name? Maybe she'll email me the ending... :]

Big Ed said...

The ending is on the internet you just have to find it. So, 01 Doc, you watch basketball the same way just watch the ending. I don't bother to watch local baseball. The Marlins are too cheap for anything.