Monday, July 9, 2007

If she needs you, she'll call you ...

Mew was inconvenienced due to E's sleeping in the spare bedroom while his a/c was being repaired. Each morning during the hiatus, I could not step into the living room without her announcing that she was waiting for breakfast and urging me to hurry about it.

The first morning after things returned to normal, I waited for the summons which never came.

Finally I opened the door and called her softly. She raised her head from the pillow (her pillow, on the desk) peered at me and then put her head back down. She no longer needed my services and could not have said that more plainly if she had written me a memo.

I guess my promotion was temporary.


Big Ed said...

The cat has her moments.

Anonymous said...

The cat's moments seem to be higher in ranking than the humans in the household. Oh, wait - that's how it SHOULD be !

Zeta said...

The kitty is tired.....She needs her sleep too after not having her comfy bed to sleep in with a/c. Or she is staying up late watching CSI.